postgresql 删除 数据库,表,索引
1. 删除数据库 -bash-3.2$ createdb abc -O testuser CREATE DATABASE -bash-3.2$ dropdb abc //dropdb删除数据库 DROP DATABASE -bash-3.2$ createdb abc -O testuser CREATE DATABASE -bash-3.2$ psql -U testuser -d testuser Welcome to psql 8.1.23, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit testuser=> drop database abc; //登录后的删除数据库,注意,不能删除当前登录的数据库 DROP DATABASE
2. 删除索引
ERROR: cannot drop index testuser_id_pk because constraint testuser_id_pk on table test requires it HINT: You may drop constraint testuser_id_pk on table test instead. testuser_test=# drop index unique_name; //删除索引 DROP INDEX
3. 删除表 testuser_test=# drop table test,test1; //删除表 DROP TABLE